Monday, March 4, 2024



I’m sitting here watching the lake today. It’s a beautiful day; the sun is shining so brightly, and the wind is very soft. With every bright day, there is always a chance a storm will pop up. Suddenly, the wind shifts direction, gaining strength, and I observe the clouds swiftly advancing over this picturesque lake. I can see the storm brewing in the back side of these clouds. The clouds are getting darker and darker, and they are twisting in and out as if they are playing with each other. 

As the storm draws closer, I retreat from my seat on the deck into the screened-in porch. Standing with my arms crossed, I am mesmerized by this beautiful storm. It’s more enchanting than words can describe. I’ve never seen a storm like this before. You know all storms are different in the countless eyes of humanity.  

The storm now approaches land, and I notice the wind has a calming effect to it. Then the beauty comes. The clouds are now darker than ever, and they are rolling like waves in the ocean. I can hear them rumble. As I step closer to the screen on the porch, I observe something that is falling out of the sky; it resembles rain, but it’s not wet.  

Transparent, tear-shaped drops fall gently to the ground as if they are waiting to be caught. Some are as large as pears, and some as small as garden peas. I see them hitting the ground, but they just disappear.

I want to open the screen door, but I’m not sure if it’s safe. Larger drops, now clear, float by, inviting discovery. The smaller ones require me to be closer than I am comfortable. 

I can see it now. These are drops of memories and emotions, each with a story to tell. As I study them closer in my safe place on the porch, I notice each drop has an emotion to release. Am I safe now? I’m not sure.  

I’m drawn to this storm for some reason; I feel compelled to step out in it, but I don’t right away. The pull is getting stronger, and the force is beginning to pull me. 


The storm intensifies, and I am drawn outside, surrendering to its beauty and the memories it unveils. I’m no longer fearful of this storm, but now embrace these emotions and memories. 

In the grass, I  see emotions and memories in teardrop form, wanting to escape their prison. The larger drops are floating ever so closely to me. They are not speaking, but they are replaying the emotion and the memory that was blind but now seen. This storm has brought a title wave of these emotions and memories. It’s so clear to me now; it is safe for me to see these now.

The trees are now swaying back and forth, the wind is picking up, and these emotions and memories are circling around me more. They want to be discovered and released from their teardrop form. They have been trapped in this prison for so many years. I’ve never really noticed what was falling to the ground until today when I took the time to watch the approaching storm. 

The storm uncovers what was trampled, kicked, and covered up for years. The larger drops swirl around me in a twister like fashion, causing the drops on the ground to come to life. In the vortex, I feel safe capturing each story of grace, redemption, and my place in humanity. 

Some may not understand, and that’s okay; your storm has not come across the lake just yet. When it does, don’t be afraid to step out and examine each teardrop as it falls. Don’t miss the grace that has been given to you; it’s where I used to be. 

There is another in the storm that is next to you. You can hear him if you listen. Don’t be afraid to leave those drops on the ground; some are meant for harm, but all have a place in your life. They are part of the totality of the storm. 

I’m crying, but there are no tears; no one sees and does anyone really care? Can you see there are no tears on this little boy’s face? Why do you say he’s sad or in pain? Can it be possible to cry inside where no one ever sees? It’s possible!

For those whose storm is on the way, take shelter, wait for safety, and remember the purpose in each drop. The storm that brings destruction becomes a beautiful storm of life, breaking strongholds, and bringing peace into your life. All these drops in the vortex of this twister can move us all into healing and bring a tranquility to life that is more than you can ever imagine. 

Acknowledging the storm across the lake wasn’t easy, but through life’s circumstances, I was ready. Caught up in a vortex, I was lifted to a sky of freedom, peace, and contentment. 

I am looking forward to writing out each of these emotions and each memory that goes along with that. Burn like a fire! This world needs you!


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