Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Finger Prints

John 1
14The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.
I was at the shop yesterday working on this tiny connector that plugged into a electronic piece that controls the air bags in the car. These wires were very hard to see but I had a suspicion that they were a problem. So, I started to uncover them so I could get a better view. They were so small I could hardly see them so I grabbed my magnifying glass and began to look and not to my surprise they need to be replaced.
While I was looking at these wires I started to look at my fingers. I sat there and looked at all ten, closely looking at each of my finger prints. I was thinking how unique they were and how God has made each one of us "one-of-a-kind. I said at that moment, what a great story, we are so unique but is that all I have for the story Lord? That we are just "one-of-a-kind, unique in the way you made us, not one of us the same? His answer was prompt, oh no, think on this some and you will see more than just a finger print, look closer at the prints and tell me, what do you see?
So, I looked and started to notice each finger print is different, each one has some twist and turns, some go in circles some go up and turn back and some just seem to have no pattern at all. Of course by now I had seen what the Lord was showing me. On one finger the lines go upward and then almost do a 180 turn. I thought of God’s salvation, how He turned me from a life of eternal hell. Another finger, the print seems to go in a circle. This I thought of how our lives are sometimes, just going round and round. Another finger, the print goes one way then darts back in another direction, then breaks and starts again. This I thought of as learning things God wants to teach us or has taught us. The breaks in life and the heart breaks in life. As with life, you can’t see some of the bumps in the road or unforseen circumstances but I am convinced if we would just take a minute and take a really close look we could avoid a great deal of our own struggles. That’s the reason for the magnifying glass. God wants us to look closer at Him, really get close and see what He is doing and has done.
Now don’t read into this more than it is. I am not suggesting starting a new business of "finger reading. I am just comparing the uniqueness of our fingers with the uniqueness of how God has made each one of us and our lives. The story is in the fingers but the big story is in John 1:14 "We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish. Our fingers will turn back to dust real soon, but our soul will live forever. What a challenge to live from within and not our fingers.
George Beasley

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